How to Prepare for a Move When Downsizing

Checklist on a notepad

Take Inventory of What You Own
  • If you haven’t used it in over a year, get rid of it.Cluttered room
  • Measure furniture to see if it’ll fit in your new space
Tackle in Small Steps
  • Go room by room
  • Look for duplicates
  • Use the three pile approach - keep, giveaway, and trash
Choose a Method for Letting Go of Belongings
  • Giveaway - family and friends
  • Donate
  • Sell
  • Throw away
Reduce Paper
  • Scan documents
  • Digitize old photos, music and movies
  • Keep needed paper files together, like taxes in a plastic bin
Maximize Your Storage Areas
  • Use furniture built-in storage whenever possible
  • Use shelves and hooks
  • Capitalize on hidden storage (under stairs, crawl spaces, garage, attic) for infrequently used items, such as holiday decorations
Be Patient
  • Wait to buy new things, if the furniture you measured doesn’t fit wait until you’re in the new space to shop for furniture
  • Give yourself the gift of time
  • You need a realistic timeline